Campus Surveys

IRAPS Surveys in blue with yellow banana slugs

Institutional Research, Analytics, and Planning Support (IRAPS) conducts a strategic survey research program that includes participating in nationally-developed survey projects as well as developing and administering locally-developed survey instruments.

These activities are part of the university's commitment to institutional effectiveness and improvement.

Survey Calendar

See the UC Santa Cruz Campus Survey Calendar for a list of upcoming campus surveys.

Survey Information and Results

Find information and results from campus surveys with data tables and reports, all in one place.

Survey Consultation and Resources

Request a consultation to receive support with your survey project or to learn more about survey results or survey best practices.

Undergraduate Student Surveys

Regular surveys for undergraduate students include:

University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES)

A survey for all enrolled undergraduates about a comprehensive set of topics including academics, student life, and future plans. Held every two years (most recently 2024).

First Destination Survey


A survey for recent undergraduate degree recipients about employment, graduate school plans, and career plans.  Held every quarter.

Environmental Sustainability Survey

A survey on undergraduates' perceptions and attitudes of the environmental sustainbility movement on campus, sponsored by the People of Color Sustainability Collective.  Held periodically (2016, 2019, 2022).

Graduate Student Surveys

Regular surveys for graduate students include:

Graduate Student Survey

A survey for all enrolled graduate students about a comprehensive set of topics including academic training, research, teaching, financial support, wellbeing, and basic needs. Part of the University of California Graduate Student Experience Survey (UCGSES).  Held every two years, next in 2025.

Doctoral Placement Survey


An ongoing survey for doctoral students during the quarter of program completion.

Other Surveys

College Choice Survey with banana slug and blue book

College Choice Survey

A survey of first-year and transfer students admitted to UC Santa Cruz, about students' college choice and experience with the admissions process.  Held periodically, most recently in 2023.



Previous Surveys

Additional surveys that have addressed issues of interest on campus include:

StayConnected2UCSC SurveyStayConnected2UCSC Surveys

A series of surveys about students' needs and experiences during remote learning (2020-2021).

Family Support Survey

A survey of students, faculty, and staff about child care and dependent adult care needs, in collaboration with the UC Santa Cruz Academic Senate's Child Care and Family Services Advisory Committee (2020).

Class Availability Student Survey (CLASS) 

A survey of all enrolled undergraduates about class availability, designed in collaboration with the UC Santa Cruz Student Union Assembly (2010-2017).

Queer Students of Color: Experiences and Engagement

A report based on survey findings and recommendations for the improvement of visibility, inclusivity, and retention of queer students of color at UC Santa Cruz (2015).

UC-Wide Campus Climate Survey

A survey with research findings available at University of California Office of the President's webpage (2014).

Diverse Learning Environments Survey

A survey of undergraduates, designed by the Higher Education Research Institute, that was part of the campus Diversity and Community Building Study (2011).

For More Information

  • For general information, including survey results and access to older reports, contact the IRAPS Surveys Team at To request access to a collection of materials on survey development (a Canvas-based course), send a request to