The Institutional Research, Analytics, and Planning Support (IRAPS) unit is the primary office for the collection and analysis of statistical information regarding students, faculty, and staff. This information is used to support regular, ongoing, internal and external reviews. Additionally, IRAPS conducts policy outcomes analyses that directly support the offices of the Chancellor, Executive Vice Chancellor, and planners at all other levels of the campus.
Subjects of primary interest to the wider campus community that are maintained by IRAPS include reports on:
- Assessment - information, support services, and resources for assessment of program learning outcomes;
- Campus Enrollments - third week enrollment reports and enrollment projections;
- Faculty and Staff - faculty rosters, faculty profiles, faculty research activities and staff profiles;
- Instructional Activity - instructional load summaries, course audit reports, student credit hour reports, and class size reports;
- Students - Common Data Set initiative (standardized national data collection used for college guidebooks), retention and graduation, student characteristics, student degree and major reports;
- Student Surveys - findings from student surveys including admitted, new, and enrolled students as well as recent graduates.