UCSC Graduate Student Survey

Thank you to all graduate students who participated in the 2023 Graduate Student Survey!


The UCSC Graduate Student Survey is a survey of doctoral and master's students that takes place every two years that provides graduate students with a unique formal opportunity to share experiences and input about graduate programs, mentoring, financial support, climate for diversity and inclusion, satisfaction with campus services, and experiences as a Teaching Assistant, Graduate Student Instructor, or Graduate Student Researcher.  Results are incorporated into regular formal reviews of each graduate program.  Aggregate survey findings are shared with faculty, staff, and campus decisionmakers.  The survey has been held at UCSC every other year since 2007. 

How Results Are Used to Improve Graduate Students' Experiences

1. Detailed reports of results for academic departments:  Survey findings are incorporated into regular formal reviews of academic departments, to improve academic training, curriculum, mentoring, and professional development opportunities.

2. Reports for academic divisions:  These reports inform how departments throughout each division are doing overall.

3. Topic-specific reports on matters of campus-wide importance:  Recent reports have highlighted students' financial support and situation, needs in teaching preparation, and satisfaction with campus services, and are shared with student services units throughout campus.

4. Spotlighting suggestions from open-ended questions:  The 2025 survey will contain many opportunities to provide comments and suggestions on program curriculum and mentoring, support for graduate students in writing, work as a TA, GSR, or GSI, campus services, and other areas. Deidentified comments are incorporated into reports for graduate programs to communicate suggestions to department faculty and division leaders.  Suggestions are also used to improve student services.

Results from Recent Graduate Student Surveys

In recent years (2011-2023), between 37% and 59% of graduate students have participated. 

2023 Graduate Student Survey

Conducted from April 11 to July 4, 2023.  Respondents: 41% of graduate students (43% of Doctoral and 36% of Masters) enrolled in winter 2023.  The 2023 survey was part of the University of California Graduate Student Experience Survey (UCGSES).

2021 Graduate Student Survey

Conducted from April 15 to July 1, 2021.  Respondents: 37% of graduate students (41% of Doctoral and 27% of Masters) enrolled in winter/spring 2021.  The 2021 survey was part of the University of California Graduate Student Experience Survey (UCGSES).

2021-22 Graduate Studies Planning Form 

A short survey to prepare for the 2021 Fall quarter, conducted from May 6 to May 23, 2021. Respondents: 42% of graduate students (47% of Doctoral and 24% of Masters) enrolled in spring 2021.

2019 Graduate Student Survey 

Conducted in Spring/early Summer 2019. Respondents: 49% of graduate students (50% of Doctoral and 48% of Masters) enrolled in winter/spring 2019.

2017 Graduate Student Survey

Conducted in Spring/early Summer 2017. Respondents: 59% of graduate students (60% of Doctoral and 53% of Masters) enrolled in winter/spring 2017.

2015 Graduate Student Survey

Conducted in Spring/early Summer 2015. Respondents: 53% of graduate students (55% of Doctoral and 47% of Masters) enrolled in winter/spring 2015.  

2013 Graduate Student Survey

Conducted in Spring/early Summer 2013. Respondents: 54% of graduate students enrolled in winter/spring 2013. 

2011 Graduate Student Survey

Conducted in Spring/early Summer 2011. Respondents: 51% of graduate students enrolled in winter/spring 2011.  The 2011 survey had an additional "common module on campus climate" and was part of the Diversity and Community Building Study.

2007 Graduate Student Survey

Respondents:  UC Santa Cruz graduate students enrolled in winter and/or spring 2007 quarters

  • Results:  Overview for Overall Graduate Student Population  -  Focus:  Provides summaries for the overall graduate student respondent population regarding survey response rates, respondent characteristics, decision to attend UC Santa Cruz, financial aid, housing, campus social events, health insurance, graduate student services, and employment plans.      
  • Reports for academic departments and programs are available by specific department/program (with campus comparisons), regarding evaluations of program/department, curriculum, resources, faculty, teaching and research experience, career preparation, funding, and overall satisfaction.

Prize Drawings

Participating graduate students will be entered into prize drawings, held during the survey and at the close of the survey.


Responses are maintained securely and confidentially.  The Institutional Research, Assessment, and Policy Studies office at UC Santa Cruz does not share individual-level survey data with anyone.  Please see the campus surveys privacy and confidentiality page for additional information.

For More Information

If you have questions, please write to surveys@ucsc.edu.

The 2023 Graduate Student Survey was sponsored by the UC Santa Cruz Division of Graduate Studies and by Institutional Research, Assessment, and Policy Studies.  Since 2021, the UC Santa Cruz survey has been part of a systemwide survey titled the University of California Graduate Student Experience Survey (UCGSES).

Gad Division Logo

The mission of Graduate Studies is to attract, recruit and retain an outstanding cohort of diverse graduate students, while providing the highest quality educational experience possible as we support them towards their graduation and prepare them for successful careers.

IRAPS logo

Institutional Research, Analytics, and Planning Support (IRAPS) is the primary office for the administration and analysis of campus-wide student surveys.