University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES)

Thank you to all students who participated in Spring 2024!

How are survey findings used to improve student life?

  1. The University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey allows students to give feedback that can be seen by faculty in each major and leaders throughout campus.  It is the only campus-wide student survey that provides comprehensive student feedback on the quality of academic experiences used in formal evaluation of academic majors.
  2. Survey findings help key decisionmakers throughout campus to understand trends over time in students' experiences including the curriculum in each major, teaching practices, advising, campus programs, student services, and the campus climate for the expression of diverse ideas and experiences.  The survey has been run since 2006.
  3. The survey is designed specifically for University of California students and helps provide cross-campus comparative data for UC Santa Cruz and other campuses.

How can faculty, staff, and student leaders share information about the survey?

  • Results for the 2024 survey will be available on this page starting in August 2024.
  • See the promotional materials that were available to promote the 2024 survey.

Survey Results Across All University of California Campuses

2024 University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey Results

The 2024 University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey at UC Santa Cruz was open from April 2, 2024 to June 9, 2024.  23% of students enrolled in Winter 2024 participated in the survey.

2022 University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey Results

The 2022 University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey at UC Santa Cruz was open from April 6, 2022 to July 1, 2022.  28% of students enrolled in Winter 2022 took the survey.

UCUES 2022 system dashboard image with blue title and black filters and tables

Interactive data tables for UC Santa Cruz and other UC campuses, 2022

Results can be filtered by major name, student level, and student background characteristics.  Available on the systemwide surveys results pages (University of California Information Center).

UCUES advising dashboard thumbnail with blue, teal, and yellow bars

Interactive data tables on Advising for UC Santa Cruz, 2022

Results from the 2022 UC Santa Cruz-specific Module on Advising show undergraduate students' experiences with advising provided by faculty and various campus units, as well as their advising needs related to academic progress, financial needs, and post-graduate plans.

UCUES 2022 advising suggestions thumbnail with blue table of common themes

Undergraduate Student Suggestions for Improving Advising, 2022 (PDF)

UCUES 2022 climate for diversity and inclusion thumbnail with blue and yellow chart about inclusion for students with disabilities

Undergraduate Student Experiences with the Climate for Diversity and Inclusion, 2022 (PDF)

UCUES 2022 research participation thumbnail with blue and gold-colored bar charts Undergraduate Student Participation in Research and Creative Projects, 2022 (PDF)
UCUES 2022 library resources thumbnail with blue and gold tables Undergraduate Student Satisfaction with Library Resources and Skills Levels in Library Research, 2022 (PDF)
UCUES 2022 financial literacy thumbnail with blue chart and black text

Undergraduate Student Financial Literacy Needs and Impact of Finances on Retention, 2022 (PDF)

  • 2018-2022 Student Experiences in Academic Programs, by Department within Each Division

UCUES 2018-2022 report icon of a light blue table

Arts Division report (PDF)


Baskin Engineering report (PDF)


Humanities Division report (PDF)


Physical and Biological Sciences report (PDF)


Social Sciences report (PDF)



2020 University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey Results

The 2020 University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey at UC Santa Cruz was open from May 5, 2020 to August 8, 2020.  29% of students enrolled in Winter 2020 took the survey.

2018 University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey Results

The 2018 UC Undergraduate Experience Survey at UC Santa Cruz was open from April through July 2018.  39% of students enrolled in Winter and/or Spring 2018 took the survey.

2016 University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey Results

2014 University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey Results

Results from previous years 2008-2012 are available upon request.

Research Papers and Presentations based on the University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey

Contact Information 

For more information about the University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey, please contact