Step 8: Submit PLO Study Report

After reflecting on the results (Step 7) of your assessment study, your next task will be to complete and submit a PLO study report. The PLO study report is a short, easy-to-use form designed to help the department keep a record of how the faculty interpreted and used the assessment data for planning program improvement.


 Instructions for submitting the PLO report: 

Please save your PLO study report as a PDF file, including the IRAPS report in the appendix, and send it via e-mail to the following places:   

  1. Vice Provost for Academic Affairs (,
  2. Associate Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (,
  3. Assessment team in IRAPS (,
  4. Department Chair,
  5. Department Manager, 
  6. Divisional Assistant Dean or Curriculum Analyst 


Once you have submitted your PLO report, your next step is to implement the changes you designed (Step 9).