Course Learning Outcomes Assessment
Course learning outcomes are 2-6 statements about what instructors expect students to be able to do at the end of a course. These statements specify observable/measurable outcomes that students will achieve through the learning activities and assignments in the course. Therefore, learning outcomes start with action verbs such as describe, identify, explain, analyze, evaluate, solve, etc. (see the table below). Please note that learning outcomes should not simply describe topics of the course, list learning activities (e.g. write a paper), or use phrases such as “students will become aware” or “understand.”
If the course is a required or elective course in a major or graduate program of study, at least one of the course learning outcomes should be related to the Program Learning Outcomes in order to help students understand how the course fits into their program of study. To find the Program Learning Outcomes for your program, click here.
List of Action Verbs
Knowledge | Comprehension | Application | Analysis | Synthesis | Evaluation |
define describe examine identify indicate know label list match name outline recall recognize record relate reproduce restate select show state |
choose cite convert defend describe detect discuss distinguish estimate explain extend generalize give examples identify infer locate paraphrase predict recognize rephrase report restate select summarize |
act administer |
analyze appraise assess break down calculate categorize classify compare contrast debate deduce describe detect diagram differentiate discriminate distinguish elicit examine extrapolate identify illustrate infer inspect question recognize reflect relate select solve sort systematize tabulate test |
adapt arrange articulate assemble collaborate combine communicate compose consolidate construct create design develop devise establish explain formulate generate incorporate initiate integrate intervene justify manage modify organize plan predict prepare propose reflect relate revise summarize synthesize tell write |
appraise assess collaborate compare conclude contrast criticize critique describe discriminate estimate evaluate explain interpret judge justify measure rate reconsider reflect relate summarize support validate verify |