UCSC Annual Symposium on Assessment of Learning
We are thrilled to announce our 6th annual Symposium for the Assessment of Learning, held on Friday, November 8, 2024! The topic this year: Empowering Educators: Innovative Assessment Approaches to Advance Equity.
Lunch will be provided - RSVP* here!
*Please RSVP by October 31 to be included in our lunch and refreshments order. An RSVP is not required to attend some or all sessions, though we encourage you to register your interest beforehand to help us plan.
Keynote Address: Improving assessment and student success efforts by supporting VITAL faculty
VITAL (Visiting, Instructors, Temporary, Adjunct, Lecturers) faculty teach the majority of introductory courses on college campuses but are given little support for this important role. Teaching and learning reform efforts and regular assessment typically lack involvement of VITAL faculty. Our campuses need to rethink the way they involve and support VITAL faculty so they have the opportunity to perform optimally, support student success and campus teaching and learning mission.
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Adrianna Kezar is Dean’s Professor of Leadership, Wilbur-Kieffer Professor of Higher Education, at the University of Southern California and Director of the Pullias Center for Higher Education within the Rossier School of Education. Dr. Kezar is a national expert of student success, equity and diversity, the changing faculty, change, governance and leadership in higher education. Dr. Kezar is well published with 25 books/monographs, over 100 journal articles, and over a hundred book chapters and reports. Recent books include: Higher education leadership: Challenging tradition and forging possibilities (2024) (Johns Hopkins Press), Shared leadership in higher education (2021) (Stylus), and The Gig Academy (2019) (Johns Hopkins Press). |
8:30 - 9:00 | Breakfast & Coffee |
9:00 - 9:05 | Welcome (Suzanne Alonzo, Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs; Anna Sher, Director of ALEE Center) |
9:05 - 9:20 | Opening remarks by CP/EVC Lori Kletzer |
9:20 - 10:35 | Keynote address: Improving assessment and student success efforts by supporting VITAL faculty by Adrianna Kezar |
10:35 - 10:45 | Coffee break |
10:45 - 12:00 |
Session 1: How assessment can help programs and faculty improve equity: Ideas, tips, and resources UCSC faculty will share practical strategies they developed to seamlessly integrate assessment into their courses and explain how they used results to improve equity in student learning. Speakers: Sean Keilen, Professor of Literature, Associate Dean & Chair, Council of Provosts
Robin Dunkin, Associate Teaching Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Director of Teaching and Learning Center
Alegra Eroy-Reveles, Associate Teaching Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
12:00 - 1:00 | Lunch |
1:00 - 2:15 |
Session 2: Exploring how assessment can promote equity and success in graduate education We invite you to join a conversation about how our campus can use assessment to increase equity, improve graduate student learning experiences and outcomes, and refine our graduate programs. There will be a brief introduction to graduate program assessment followed by a structured conversation in which you can provide your insights, feedback, and ideas. Facilitator: Suzanne Alonzo, Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Professor in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
2:30 - 3:45 |
Session 3: Practical tips for using technology to understand gaps in student learning Canvas and Gradescope are powerful tools for student feedback and assessment when rubrics are designed strategically. Join us for hands-on workshops and learn how to effectively use these technological tools to identify gaps and areas for improvement in students’ skills. Real examples and templates from UCSC courses will be shared. Facilitators: Priscilla Sung, Senior Assessment Specialist, ALEE Center
Dori Weiler, Assessment Specialist, ALEE Center
~ Stay tuned for program updates! ~
Interested in seeing materials from past symposia?
- The 2020 Symposium centered on advancing educational equity through assessment, and featured UC Merced's Eileen Camfield as the keynote speaker. The symposium included topics such as: using assessment to effectively redesign courses and program curricula, assessment in online environments, and the value of involving undergraduate and graduate students in assessment.
The 2018 Symposium topics included: conducting program-level assessment in undergraduate programs, assessing the impact of course-level innovations in teaching and learning, rethinking the value of assessment from a student perspective, and assessment of learning in Student Success/Student Affairs units.
The 2017 Symposium topics included: facilitating cultural change through programmatic assessment, cultivating academic assessment, contextualizing criteria to measure and improve students' skills, working with faculty on graduate program assessment, and graduate students' experience with undergraduate teaching.
The 2015 Symposium topics included: assessing student learning, evidence-based improvement, and mentoring graduate students in pedagogy and assessment.
The 2014 Symposium topics included: establishing a collaborative process of Program Learning Outcome assessment, mentoring graduate students in assessment, approaching assessment as pedagogy, and presenting assessment skills on the job market and in tenure and merit review.